Please take note of our upcoming events and useful links!
If you’ve made it to this page you are either a student in my class, or the parent of a student in my class. My goal with creating this page is to have information all in one place for many of the things we use in our classroom that you can also do at home as well as a place where you can catch up on the latest news and updates for our school. With self-isolation happening right now, there’s SO MUCH information, posts, emails, phone calls, etc. going around that some things may slip through the cracks and that’s okay.
You’ll notice that the first tab at the top is “Home”. That’s where you are right now! Here you’ll find the latest news and updates for our school and district. These are taken directly from district emails and SJE Facebook posts (if you have not joined the group on here, I highly suggest it - there’s a link to it on the right). I would also like to post fun pictures and updates on what our class is doing when/if we get to go back.